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PERUGIA Transport in town - Traffic restrictions

The old town centre of Perugia is closed in by two rings of Etruscan and late-Medieval walls. The old town is developed in five directions that include five different old quarters that sprung up as from the 14th century. In order to preserve the old centre and render it usable by all, a limited traffic zone known as Zona a Traffico Limitato (ZTL) has been implemented to limit access for cars. The area is under surveillance by a Sistema Integrato del Traffico Urbano (SITU) system that automatically controls cars entering the area from the outside and is able to provide information on the number of places available for parking.

Entrance to the old town is allowed at the following times:

The access times:

Cars without a residents or disabled permit are not allowed in at the following times: Week days:
from 2,00am to 1,00pm.
while, from 1,00pm to 12,00pm and from 0,00am to 2,00am all vehicles are allowed access to the ZTL area.

Sundays and holidays:
from 2,00am to 7,00am
while, from 7,00am to 12,00pm and from 0,00am to 2,00am all vehicles are allowed access to the ZTL area.

OFFICE Traffic Area tel. +39 075.5775378

Restricted traffic area control system
To control access to the limited traffic zone SITU has positioned surveillance postings on the three streets that lead into the area (Indipendenza, Battisti, Sposa). These postings work using an arial to detect authorised vehicles and a camera that photographs the number plates of unauthorised cars that enter the area. Photographs of unauthorised cars entering the area are sent to the Polizia Municipale who sends out fines to the owner of the vehicle.

map(by Comune di Perugia)

  • A fine of 65 Euros is applied to all unauthorised cars entering the restricted traffic area, according to the images gathered by the cameras. Exceptional necessity or cars in possession of permits but that were not showing them at the time of entrance have three days in which to contact the permit office in Via Fanti to avoid being fined.
  • A 32 Euro fine is levied on all cars found parked within the limited traffic zone and not displaying their entrance permit card.
  • Motorcycles are free to enter the limited traffic zone and arrive at their designated parking areas (via Indipendenza, Piazza Morlacchi). Motorcycle transit in the rest of the limited traffic area is allowed only for residents parking in private areas or garages.
Further information
Toll free numer 800017603
Ufficio relazioni con il pubblico (relations office): tel. 075.5772497
Ufficio permessi ZTL (limited traffic zone permit office): via Fanti, 2 - tel. 075.5775378 - tel. 075.5772338

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