The Cloister |
The Italian Army Foreign Language School Perugia was founded in Rome on the 18th of August 1963, on the 15th of February 1993, the school moved to the
Santa Giuliana complex in Perugia; keeping a detached section in Rome.
The Italian Army Foreign Language School activities are structured according to the type and length of the course. This is done in a way that satisfies all the linguistic needs of the Armed Forces.
The Italian Army Foreign Language School operates using the most effective didactic methods, and advanced hardware and software infrastructures in support of its teaching and learning activities. The teachers are, for the most part, native speakers. The didactic system allows for developing synergy between the Distance Learning Courses and the On-Site Courses. This helps the students achieve the established objectives in as short a time as possible.
On Site Courses
Auditorium |
The SLEE offers the following On Site Courses, taught in a traditional classroom environment: Intensive Courses, Refresher Courses, Rare Language Courses, Courses for officers to be selected for the ISSMI Course, Preparatory Interpreter Courses, Crash Courses.
Distance Learning Courses
These courses are based on the Stanag NATO 6001. The courses are called "Distance Learning Specialization Courses" Corso di perfezionamento di lingua a distanza (COPAD), and are coordinated through an active collaboration with the Free University "S. Pio V" Libera Università S. PIO V and the "COPAD-ISSMI Course" Corso COPAD-ISSMI (ISSMI- Istituto Superiore Stato Maggiore Interforze).
More informations:
SLEE - Scuola Lingue Estere dell'Esercito
c/o Convento di S. Giuliana in Perugia
Via Baldassarre Orsini, 9 - 06121 Perugia (PG)
Tel. +39 075.57505240 - Tel e Fax: +39 06.5021349 (Rome District)